Note that this section of the website is not particularly active; I hope to publish about one personal finance article per month.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Summer Schedule

Summer is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere, and I will be dropping my blog writing schedule to a target of one article a week. These articles will be mainly on my main website (, although I hope to put up an article or two on this personal finance section (

I am writing blogs as a means of developing myself as an author - the blogs act as a form of a first draft, and it creates a public presence for myself. I have plans to write a few short books about economics and the bond markets, and do not expect to turn to writing a book about personal finance for at least a few years. As a result, I did not expect to write too many articles on this personal finance section; publishing roughly every 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, I injured my hand awhile ago, and my writing productivity dropped. My hand is getting better, and I am now using voice recognition software. But this meant that my writing about personal finance was dropped. With my hand recovering, I hope to start producing personal finance articles at a slow, steady pace once again in August or September.

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