Note that this section of the website is not particularly active; I hope to publish about one personal finance article per month.

About The Personal Finance Hub

This section of contains the personal finance component of my writing. This section is meant to be more accessible to general readers, and will have a different set of topics. I want the focus of this part of the web site to be a good resource for finding reliable sources of information on personal finance.

I cannot give investment advice for legal reasons. But I can use my experience as being a senior financial analyst to offer advice as to how people should think about their personal finances.

Focus On Providing Resources

I expect that a considerable amount of my postings on this section of the web site will be a review of what others have written.

  • If you have written a book about personal finance, let me know. I may be able to write a review.
  • If you have a personal finance blog or web site, let me know. In addition to reviewing books, I may also point out interesting resources available on the internet. In addition, I would be open to guest posts on this section of the web site. 

Not Too Active

I do not expect that this section of the web site will be very active for some time. I intend to publish some short books on personal finance in the future; the articles here are stand-alone ideas that I might be able to incorporate into those books. Until I am close to starting writing those books, I expect to publish about one article per month.

See this page for a description of the overall website and who I am.